Recent Projects to help the community are brought to you by Congers, NY Troop no. 29.
Help us help you!
By supporting Troop 29 with popcorn purchases and donations,
you are contributing to support these young scouts for your community,
with projects such as:
Scout Projects:
Germond Baseball Stone Wall Renovation
Hi-Tor Animal Shelter Storage Shed
St. Paul's Outdoor Stations of the Cross
Girl Scouts Addison Boyce Camping Platforms
Congers Fire Hydrant Markers
St. Pauls Blessed Mother Grotto Renovation
Snyder Cemetery Refurbishment
Congers Elementary School Garden
Good Counsel Home Garage Renovation
9-11 Memorial Garden at the King’s Highway Volunteer
Ambulance Corp.
St. Paul's Church Garden
The Scouts:
March in the Memorial Day Parade
Yearly maintain the VMA Congers Memorials
Clean and maintain a portion of Old Mill Road for your driving pleasure
PLUS, we promote:
good wholesome values
moral behavior
foster strong sense of community
joining the military service
God and our Country