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Girl Scout Service Unit 22
(Colorado Springs, Colorado)
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-- Who is eligible to join Girl Scouts?  Any girl kindergarten thru 12th grade can join.  Both male and females adults can join.  Girl Scouts is open to all faiths, mental and physical abilities, citizenship, etc.

When do troops meet?  Times, location, frequency, and duration are up to the troop leaders and parents.  For example, some troops may decide to meet every two weeks for an hour after school; others may decide to meet for 3 hours once a month at a parent’s house.  The easiest way to ensure the troop meeting times are convenient for you is to volunteer to lead a troop!  :-)  If that is not feasible, however, let your needs to be known to those who do volunteer to lead.  If a convenient time is not selected, there are five other ways to participate in Girl Scouts aside from troop memberships.

How much does it cost?  The annual registration fee is $15.  As with meeting times, individual troops will determine their own activities and associated costs.  Some may charge dues or may charge per activity.  Most troop funds, however, will come from product sales (e.g., Girl Scout cookies).  Uniform costs are explained below.  Please note that financial assistance is available—no child should be kept out of scouting for financial reasons!

Do Girl Scouts wear uniforms?  The Girl Scout membership pin is the only required uniform item.  But girls love to display their badges & patches on Girl Scout uniforms!  Basic uniform essentials cost around $30.  But please don’t buy anything until you’ve received guidance from your troop leader!  As with meeting times and costs, individual troops will decide what style uniform they will wear, if any.

Will my daughter be a Brownie or a Girl Scout?  Brownies are Girl Scouts!  Girl Scouts are divided into program levels based on grade:
    -- K or 1st grade:  Daisy Girl Scouts
    -- 2nd or 3rd grade:   Brownie Girl Scouts
    -- 4th or 5th grade:   Junior Girl Scouts
    -- 6th, 7th, or 8th grade:   Cadette Girl Scouts
    -- 9th or 10th grade:   Senior Girl Scouts
    -- 11th or 12th grade:   Ambassador Girl Scouts

How is Girl Scouts organized?  Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).  GSUSA is divided into over 300 local councils.  Ours is Girl Scouts of Colorado (GSCO).  GSCO is further divided into regions (ours is region 4), regions into service units (ours is 22), and service units into troops.  Troops are normally established by program level.