Annual Dues
Dues cover the cost of our meeting space, regular advancement awards, fees for special events (Pack Picnics, Blue & Gold Banquet & more), insurance, pack recharter fees, and various other expenses throughout the year. They may be paid by check or credit card. We also host several fundraising programs each year so that the boys can earn money to pay for their dues, Scout supplies, and for other outings. Participating in these fundraisers is a great learning experience for the boys. It teaches how to interact with others, how to sell an idea, money management, and it can be fun. Perhaps even more important is that it gives the boys an opportunity to take pride in their hard work to fund activities. Perhaps this will be the start of some entrepreneurs!
Parent participation is required also to support all our special events and even items during our Den and Pack meetings.
Scout accounts are used to pay for individual supplies (such as Pinewood Derby cars and Raingutter Regatta boats), achievement awards, and other miscellaneous supplies used by each boy throughout the year. Boys may also use Scout accounts to pay for activities like summer camp. The money boys earn in fundraisers is placed in their account. Balance notices will be distributed several times per year.
Scout Life Magazine
Did you know that Scouting has its own magazine? If you didn't order it with your registration, it's not too late!