Money Earning Permit Form:
This form is used for raising money for pack related events such as campouts, t-shirts, program materials etc.
Please print 3 copies of this form once it is filled out as one goes to Council, one to St. Michaels and one for the Unit. All 3 copies have to be signed by all to be approved. Tidewater council charges us for this form so we can now print it for free.
Incident Information Form is used for any injury/property damages incurred by scouts or parents.
Activity Transportation form is used for activities outside the Council Area for Campouts/Pack/Den Meetings.
Activity Concent form is used for all Scouting Activities and each parent of every den should fill one out to be retained by the Den Leader/Committee Member
BSA Rank Advancement Form: Used by Awards Chair for Rank Advancement print 3 copies once the form is completely filled out.
Youth Application & Adult Application is used for becoming a member of Pack 14