While the primary focus of the Scouts while on Mackinac Island is service, the Scoutmaster team and volunteer parents do offer Scouts opportunities to earn merit badges. The types of merit badges can vary from year to year depending on the Scoutmasters and adults in attendance.
Each day, contact information will be written on the whiteboard in the Scout Barracks for the Scout to reference in making contact with the Merit Badge counselor. As with his home troop, the Scout is responsible for taking the initiative to make contact with the counselor and then to work on the merit badge(s) in their available time. Some merit badges require pre-work, or contact with the counselor before leaving for Mackinac.
It is recommended that the Scout print out the worksheets for the Merit badge before coming to Mackinac, and complete any pre-requisites or written work.
Contact information is below for each of the counselors, and the Scouts are encouraged to reach out to the counselors before the troop leaves for the Island to complete any pre-requisites.
The troop brings blue cards to the Island, but each Scout is encouraged to bring a signed blue card from his home troop.
Here is the link to the Merit Badge Worksheets: http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Merit_Badge_Worksheets It is highly recommended that a Scout bring the worksheet with him to the Island, with any pre-requisites or written work completed. Many Merit badges require Internet access or access to places for research. Scouts should complete those pre-req's at home, which will be difficult to complete once on the Island.
Merit Badge Opportunities
Please contact the Merit Badge counselor if you have questions.
a. Citizenship in the World, Nation, or Community – Chip Fitzgerald 810-488-1368 or Matt Hoxsie 586-362-1102
b. Cooking – Matt Hoxsie 586-362-1102 or Chip Fitzgerald 810-488-1368 See the Cooking MB Power Point attachment shown below!
c. Model Design, Weather, American Labor, Aviation, Communications, American Heritage, Scouting Heritage – Ken Fountain 586-850-9173
d. Electricity, American Labor, Auto Maintenance, Family Life, Safety, Pets, Collecting – Mr. Rutkofski 810-304-3122
e. Personal Fitness, Sports, Hiking, American Heritage, Athletics – Seibert - 810-765-2892
f. American Heritage – Rollin Stocker 586-382-2626
g . Collections, Genealogy, Chess - Matt Hoxsie (586)362-1102
h. Fire Safety, First Aid, Auto Maintenance - Mr. Matese 810-397-7484 - matesej@frontier.com
i . Island Music Appreciation - See Mr. Fitzgerald on Mack Island. The prerequisites for this MB is to (1) make a Parrot Head hat that is of your own original design, (2) have a colorful Hawaiian shirt, (3) converse fluently with a Caribbean island accent.
Please contact us if you have questions!